On this page:


  1. Directions hearing

    20 May 2024

  2. Public hearing

    18 and 20 June 2024

  3. Report



This amendment is a combined planning permit application and planning scheme amendment. It aims to facilitate the development of the Freeway Business Park, including the provision of an extended area of industrial land available, which will provide local investment and employment opportunities.

Draft Baw Baw Planning Scheme Amendment proposes to:

  • Replace the Urban Floodway Zone (UFZ) with the industrial 1 Zone (INZ1) for part of the subject land.
  • Apply a new Design and Development Overlay (DDO) schedule to the entire subject land.

Draft Planning Permit proposes to:

  • Subdivide the land into 24 lots
  • Realign Hazel Creek into a new Drainage reserve.

This matter has been referred to the Priority Projects Standing Advisory Committee.

Public hearing

The committee will hold a public hearing at 10:00am on 18 and 20 June 2024.

You can attend the hearing in person at Hearing Room 2, Planning Panels Victoria (Ground Floor, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne), or join online via MS Teams videoconference:

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 499 028 026 42
Passcode: bZSTgC

Important: This is a new video conference link. The link contained in the hearing timetable documents (under “correspondence”) no longer works. To join the hearing, please use this link and not the one in the hearing timetable.

Committee members


Terms of reference

Letter of referral


Accessibility and assistance

Deaf, hearing or speech impaired? Please contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 or www.relayservice.gov.au

Page last updated: 05/07/24