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Post exhibition process
Before submitting a request to appoint a panel
Within 5 business days from the closing date for the receipt of submissions, the planning authority is required to advise the panel coordinator by email of the number of submissions received, and the likelihood of the matter being referred to a panel.
Request to appoint a panel
A formal request is required after the planning authority has decided to refer the submissions to a panel. This is due within 40 business days of the closing date for submissions.
After receiving the formal panel request, the Chief Panel Member under delegation from the Minister for Planning will appoint the panel.
If the pre-set dates cannot be met or the matter does not need to be referred to a panel, the planning authority must tell the panel coordinator as soon as possible.
After the panel appointment
Before the directions hearing, the planning authority is required to tell the panel, through the panel coordinator, about:
- preferred directions hearing and panel hearing format (i.e. in person or by online video)
- any matters which should be raised at the directions hearing
If the hearings are to be held in person, talk to the panel coordinator about:
- the venue location
- how the hearing venue should be set up
- what facilities and equipment will be required – for example, computers, data projector, screen, video conferencing services.
For larger amendments, a project officer will work with the panel to assist its process.
When consulting with the panel coordinator or project officer, book a venue for the directions hearing and main panel hearing.
Directions hearing notification
The panel coordinator or project officer will send the directions hearing notification letter to all submitters. The letter will include:
- date, time and venue of the directions hearing
- information on the panel process
- a link to the request to be heard form if submitters wish to speak at the main panel hearing (or wish to be kept informed)
- an indication of dates when the main panel hearing will be held.
The planning authority must also fill in a request to be heard so that the panel understands its time requirements and any representative and expert witness details. If it is a proponent-led amendment, details of the proponent must be provided.
Copies of completed request to be heard forms will not be provided to the planning authority or other parties.
Following the directions hearing
The panel coordinator or project officer will send all people who submitted a request to be heard form (or requested to be kept informed) a letter including:
- panel directions
- distribution list
- hearing timetable.
Hearing room layout
If the planning authority is responsible for providing a room for either directions hearing or main panel hearing, see the example layout for important requirements.

- Example hearing room layout
Read more about hearing requirements for EES projects.
Page last updated: 19/08/24